Sunday, May 28, 2017

Central Grocery, New Orleans

Based on a photo of my nephew in an old grocery near Jackson Square. He didn't want his picture taken, so the face is minimal. As much as possible, I'm painting abstract color masses rather than objects. I'm pretty happy with the way the shelves of bottles dissolve in the light. 100 cm x 56 cm.

Friday, May 19, 2017


From a photo of a sandwich I ordered at a coffee shop a couple of blocks from my studio. I went a little overboard with color saturation and with detail on the peeled orange. I prefer the sandwich to the orange because it's looser and more abstract. The greens started warmer, but I came to prefer cool pthalo greens. 18" x 18"

Monday, May 8, 2017

Paluxy River, Opossum Branch

Painted from a photo I took a few years ago near Glen Rose, Tx. I used my Scene
Sketcher app to simplify the image. Otherwise, I would have lost my mind struggling
with minutiae. 60 cm x 80 cm.