Wednesday, June 28, 2017

watertower at Continental Gin

Gantry and watertower by the entrance to my studio. I think I'm starting to get the hang of uing my Scene Sketcher app to paint a simplified image with a clear value structure. This was a pretty quick painting with no big problems.  71 cm x 40 cm.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Enchanted Rock

I learned quite a bit doing this. For one thing, I didn't realize that a painting of mostly saturated color was going to be so visually fatiguing. Also simple shapes and decisive paint handling helps with strong color. I ended up using larger brushes as I got further along, which is a sign I misjudged how this was going to develop. 30" x 40"

Saturday, June 10, 2017

sliced apples

Small, easy painting I made while preparing a big panel for a landscape. 14 " x 17.5"

Subway sandwich

This was my pay for helping a friend with a condo renovation. 24" x 32".